Saucer Section

Deck 1: Main bridge, ready room, conference lounge
Deck 2: Duty lounge, bridge electronics and connectives, escape pod
Deck 3: Science labs (physics, chemistry, geology)
Deck 4: Shuttlebay (rear), shuttlebay control, observation deck, top of the main computer core, internal power generator, cargo transporter 1, upper phaser array generators, cargo holds, upper shield generating coils
Deck 5: Shuttlebay (double-height deck), transporter rooms 1-4 and their staging areas, equipment rooms
Deck 6: Science labs (zoology, biology, engineering, electronics), stellar cartography, environmental nodes
Deck 7: Guest quarters, top of computer archive core
Deck 8: Crew quarters and amenities, replicator node, environmental node, auxilliary command
Deck 9: Senior officer quarters, guest quarters, meeting and seminar rooms, quartermaster's office
Deck 10: Acropolis, communications and linguistics lab, saucer section armory, observation decks, crew quarters
Deck 11: Main gangway and external connectives, holodecks 1-3, saucer-mounted impulse engiens (rear), subspace drivers, internal power units, fuel cells
Deck 12: Sickbay, medical labs, replicator nodes, dedicated medical transporter, gymnasium, therapy rooms, counselor's office, crew quarters
Deck 13: Crew quarters, lounges and other amenities, staging area, equipment storage, lander access
Deck 14: Crew quarters, lounges and other amenities, maintenance areas, emergency equipment and storage areas
Deck 15: Crew quarters, lounges and other amenities, upper computer core processing array, reading room, science labs (alien technology, xenobiology)
Deck 16: Crew quarters, lounges and other amenities, ship's auditorium (top half), lower phaser array generators, lower shield generating coils
Deck 17: Crew quarters, lounges and other amenities
Deck 18: Captain's yacht docking, lower umbilicals, lower transporter/communications/sensor grids, saucer section fuel storage cells
Deck 19: Captain's yacht

Engineering Section

Deck 17: Fuel storage cells, warp core, nacelle power conduits, power distribution coils, main engineering
Deck 18: On-line converters, plasma discrimination injectors
Deck 19: Engineering labs, dedicated engineering replicators, machine shop, dilithium and hypermatter storage
Deck 20: Environmental node, top of antimatter reserve storage cells, dedicated engineering computer system, plasma injector reactor
Deck 21: Emergency weapons control, quarters and amenities
Deck 22: Main impulse engineering deck, backup engineering systems, subspace drivers, cloaking device controller
Deck 23: Quarters and amenities
Deck 24: Quarters and amenities (generally unoccupied), equipment storage, environmental node, replicator node, torpedo storage and replication
Deck 25: Deflector control, deflector generators, access to photon/quantum torpedo manual operations
Deck 26: Science labs, atomic-level replicator, quarters and amenities
Deck 27: Cargo hold, stasis and cryo chambers, cargo transporters 2-3, primary deconstructors, environmental and replicator nodes, ship's arboretum, biology labs and experimental gardens
Deck 28: Securty section, transporter rooms 7-8, brig, ship's vault, primary armory
Deck 29: Main gymnasium, running track, swimming pool and related facilities, equipment storage, fuel cell monitoring
Deck 30: Deuterium and hydrogen fuel cells and support equipment
Deck 31: Deuterium and hydrogen fuel cells and support equipment
Deck 32: Deuterium and hydrogen fuel cells and support equipment, remote resupply equipment, ventral phaser array generators, ventral connectives, external turbolift port, emergency antimatter dump

Landing Module

Deck 1: Bridge, warp and impulse engines, environmental node
Deck 2: Warp core, transporter, sickbay, shuttlepod bay
Deck 3: Crew quarters and amenities
Deck 4: Crew quarters, work areas, access to sensor machinery
Deck 5: Fuel cells and support equipment, computer processor and core, environmental and replicator nodes
Deck 6: Docking plates, landing pads, phaser array generators, phaser pulse cannons, photon/quantum torpedo launchers, ship connectives


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